The global CIFAL network is a network of training centres affiliated to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). It is dedicated to strengthening the capacities of government authorities and leaders of civil society to promote sustainable development.
Each CIFAL (acronym for “Centro Internacional de Formación de Autoridades y Líderes – International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders”) provides an international platform for the exchange of knowledge, dissemination of good practices and lessons learned in the cities. With its city-share approach, the CIFALs promote collaboration between multiple actors and sectors, leading to the design of innovative solutions to tackle current challenges.
The core objective of the training programmes in the CIFAL centres is to develop and reinforce human capacities to better address the challenges of development. The CIFAL centres use a facilitating approach with the following objectives:
Each of the learning and training activities of the CIFAL centres includes a variety of educational resources that combine content, practical exercises, tasks, assessments, teamwork, interactive activities and tutorials. All the activities are designed to be practical and interactive. Depending on the needs of the beneficiaries and the purpose of the capacities, the activities are carried out in person, online, or a combination of both.
The main beneficiaries are public officials in developing countries that have pledged to adopt a strategic focus with the aim of progressing towards sustainable development.
Over the last thirteen years, the network has reached more than 50,000 beneficiaries through more than 500 capacity-building actions. In 2016 the Global CIFAL Network reached 11,756 beneficiaries around the world through 123 capacity-building actions.